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Grasp the scientific connotation of new quality productivity

Update time:2024/3/21 Number of page views: 420

“要牢牢把握高质量发展这个首要任务,因地制宜发展新质生产力”,习近平总书记3月5日在参加十四届全国人大二次会议江苏代表团审议时强调。From putting forward "new quality productivity" during local inspection in 2023 to emphasizing "Developing new quality productivity" at the Central Economic Work Conference,From presiding over the 11th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in January this year, the new quality productivity was systematically elaborated to the national two sessions in March to emphasize "developing new quality productivity according to local conditions".,A series of important statements by the General Secretary on the development of new quality productive forces,It deeply answers the important theoretical and practical questions of "What is the new quality productive forces, why should we develop them, and how to develop them"。

What is new quality productivity?习近平总书记指出:“概括地说,新质生产力是创新起主导作用,摆脱传统经济增长方式、生产力发展路径,具有高科技、高效能、高质量特征,符合新发展理念的先进生产力质态。It is driven by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading. It takes the improvement of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combinations as its basic connotation, and a substantial increase in total factor productivity as its core symbol. It is characterized by innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity。This important discussion profoundly points out the basic theoretical issues such as the characteristics, basic connotation, core signs, characteristics, keys, and essence of the new quality productive forces, and provides a fundamental basis for us to accurately grasp the scientific connotation of the new quality productive forces。

The new quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality in which innovation plays a leading role and is characterized by innovation。The key to grasp the new quality productivity is to deeply understand the key role of innovation in improving productivity。Review history,The mechanization of the first industrial revolution from the 18th century,The electrification of the second Industrial Revolution by the 19th century,To the third industrial revolution of the 20th century,One disruptive technological innovation after another,It brings about the great liberation of social productive forces and the great leap in living standards,Fundamentally changed the course of human history。Some countries have seized the rare opportunity of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and their overall national strength has increased rapidly, and they have even become world powers。当前,A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is gaining momentum,Some major disruptive technological innovations are creating new industries and new business forms,Information technology, biotechnology, manufacturing technology, new material technology, new energy technology has widely penetrated into almost all fields,Led to the green, intelligent, ubiquitous as the characteristics of the group major technological change。We have ushered in the historic confluence of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world and the transformation of China's development model. We are faced with a once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity. New quality productive forces have emerged at the historic moment and have continued to grow and expand in practice。New quality productivity represents the new direction and new trend of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and represents the development direction of advanced productive forces。To accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces is to achieve a leading position in the development of productive forces, occupy the development opportunities in new fields and new tracks, and win the development initiative in the fierce international competition。 

Marx pointed out that "productive forces, that is, the development of productive capacity and its elements", "labor productive forces are constantly developing with the continuous progress of science and technology".。New quality productivity is the product of the development of productive forces and scientific and technological progress, and is the revolutionary improvement of human ability to transform nature. This improvement is holistic and fundamental, and the labor, labor means and labor objects as its constituent elements must also have new connotations。As far as labor is concerned, labor is the most active factor in the productive forces, and the new quality productive forces are no longer matched by ordinary workers who are mainly based on simple repetitive labor, but need strategic talents who can create new quality productive forces and applied talents who can master the new quality means of production。As far as means of labor are concerned,As a "measurer of human workforce development",With the development and wide application of original and disruptive technologies,More and more new production tools will be produced,Old and backward production tools will gradually be replaced by new and advanced ones,This is also the main symbol of productivity development。As far as the object of labor is concerned, the improvement and extensive use of the means of labor will inevitably lead to the expansion of the scope of the object of labor, including not only traditional natural materials, but also non-material forms such as data that are not limited by space and time。  

Only when the various elements of production are combined together, can the real productive forces be formed。The new quality productivity is not only reflected in the innovative development of various factors, but also reflected in the innovative development of the combination of production factors。With the development and change of workers, labor means and labor objects in the new quality productive forces, the optimal combination of the three will also undergo revolutionary changes, bringing new industries, new forms of business and new models, and forming new driving forces and new advantages to drive economic development。The productive forces determine the relations of production, which in turn act on the productive forces。The formation of new quality productive forces will inevitably lead to revolutionary changes in production relations, and it is necessary to form new production relations to adapt to them, protect, liberate and develop them。Continuous reform and improvement of production relations and the formation of new management models and new systems and mechanisms are important guarantees for the continuous development of new quality productive forces。

总之,We need to realize that,The new quality productivity is not the local optimization and simple iteration of the traditional productivity,It is the advanced productivity spawned by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading,It will certainly bring about changes in the mode of development and production,Push our social productivity to realize the new leap。We must seize opportunities, intensify innovation, foster and strengthen emerging industries, advance the layout of the construction of future industries, and improve the modern industrial system。At the same time, we must realize that the development of new quality productive forces does not mean ignoring or abandoning traditional industries, and it is necessary to prevent a rush, bubble, and do not adopt a model。Local governments should proceed from actual conditions, develop new industries, develop new models, and develop new drivers of growth in light of local resource endowments, industrial bases, and research conditions, and use new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries to make them high-end, smart, and green。

Source: Qiushi