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The connotation, characteristics and development focus of the new quality productive forces

Update time:2024/3/21 Number of page views: 485

High-quality development is the hard truth of the new era, which needs the guidance of a new productivity theory。习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第十一次集体学习时强调:“Develop new quality productive forces是推动高质量发展的内在要求和重要着力点”“新质生产力已经在实践中形成并展示出对高质量发展的强劲推动力、支撑力”。习近平总书记的重要论述,丰富发展了马克思主义生产力理论,深化了对生产力发展规律的认识,进一步丰富了习近平经济思想的内涵,为开辟发展新领域新赛道、塑造发展新动能新优势提供了科学指引。Accelerating the development of new quality productive forces is an objective requirement for the liberation and development of productive forces in the new era and on a new journey. It is an inevitable choice for promoting the iterative upgrading of productive forces and realizing modernization。

Deeply understand the basic connotation of new quality productivity

The new quality productivity represents the evolution direction of advanced productivity, and is the advanced productivity quality spawned by the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, the innovative allocation of production factors, and the deep transformation and upgrading of industries。The new quality productive forces, with the basic connotation of workers, labor means, labor objects and their optimal combinations, have strong momentum for development and can lead to the creation of a new era of social production。

Higher quality workers are the first element of the new quality productivity。People are the most active and decisive factor in the productive forces, and the new quality productive forces put forward higher requirements for workers' knowledge and skills。Develop new quality productive forces,Strategic talents who can create new quality productivity are needed,They lead the world in science and technology, innovate and create new production tools,Including top scientific and technological talents who have made major breakthroughs in subversive scientific understanding and technological creation,First-class scientific and technological leaders and young scientific and technological talents who have made outstanding contributions in basic research and key core technology fields;Need to be able to master the new quality of production means of applied talents,They have multi-dimensional knowledge structure and are proficient in new production tools,It includes engineering and technical talents represented by excellent engineers and technical workers represented by craftsmen in large countries。

The labor material with higher technical content is the power source of the new quality productivity。The strength of technological attributes of production tools is a significant sign of distinguishing new quality productivity from traditional productivity。New generation of information technology, advanced manufacturing technology, new material technology and other integrated applications,A large number of new production tools that are smarter, more efficient, lower carbon and safer,The workers were further liberated,Weakened the natural constraints on production activities,Greatly expand the production space,It provides material conditions for the formation of new quality productivity。In particular, the extensive application of non-physical form production tools such as industrial Internet and industrial software has greatly enriched the expression form of production tools, promoted the manufacturing process to become intelligent, and the manufacturing paradigm has shifted from scale production to scale customization, promoting productivity to a new level。

A wider range of labor objects is the material basis of the new quality of productive forces。The object of labor is the basis and premise of production activities。Thanks to the extension of the breadth, depth, accuracy and speed of scientific and technological innovation, the types and forms of labor objects have been greatly expanded。On the one hand, the means of obtaining material and energy from nature are more advanced, and the scope of utilizing and transforming nature extends to deep space, deep sea, deep earth, etc.On the other hand, human beings constantly create new material materials through labor and turn them into objects of labor, greatly increasing productivity。For example, as a new production factor, data has become an important labor object, which not only directly creates social value, but also further amplifies the value creation effect through the combination and integration with other production factors。

Labor, means of labor, objects of labor, science and technology, management and other factors are indispensable in the formation of productive forces。Only when the elements of productivity achieve efficient coordination, can more powerful productivity be unleashed。Driven by a new set of technologies,The new quality productivity leads and drives the transformation and adjustment of production subjects, production tools, production objects and production modes,We will facilitate the flow, network sharing, systematic integration, collaborative development and efficient utilization of factors of labor, capital, land, knowledge, technology, management and data,It can effectively reduce transaction costs,We will significantly increase the efficiency of resource allocation and total factor productivity。

Grasp the main characteristics of new quality productivity

In sharp contrast to the traditional productive forces, the new quality productive forces are advanced productive forces that play a leading role in innovation and break away from the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, with high-tech, high efficiency and high quality characteristics。

Innovation as the first driving force, the formation of high-tech productivity。Scientific and technological innovation has profoundly reshaped the basic elements of productive forces, spawned new industries and new forms of business, and promoted the evolution of productive forces to a higher and more advanced quality。New quality productivity refers to the productivity in which scientific and technological innovation plays a leading role. We should take major scientific and technological innovation as the guide, promote the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and human resource chain, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements into real productive forces。In recent years, China's scientific and technological innovation capacity has steadily improved, and a series of major achievements have been made in the fields of manned spaceflight, quantum information, nuclear power technology, and large aircraft manufacturing. China has entered the ranks of innovative countries, and has the basic conditions for accelerating the development of new quality productivity。

With strategic emerging industries and future industries as the main carrier, the formation of high-efficiency productivity。Industry is the concrete manifestation of productivity change, and the continuous iterative upgrading of leading industries and pillar industries is an important support for productivity transition。As a new pillar and new track leading industrial upgrading and future development, strategic emerging industries and future industries are more efficient, with active innovation, technology-intensive, high-end value, and broad prospects, providing a huge space for the development and growth of new quality productivity。In recent years, China's strategic emerging industries have flourished, with the added value accounting for more than 13% of GDP in 2022, and key areas such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products have accelerated development, forming a certain leading edge in emerging areas such as the digital economy。China's forward-looking planning of future industrial development, promote technological innovation, research and development mode, production mode, business model, organizational structure and other comprehensive innovation, the development of new quality productivity of the industrial foundation has been continuously consolidated。

With a high level of dynamic balance between new supply and new demand as the landing point, the formation of high-quality productivity。The effective matching of supply and demand is an important sign of the virtuous circle of social production。Social supply capacity and demand realization degree are restricted by the development of productive forces, relying on a high level of productive forces to achieve a high level of supply and demand dynamic balance。At present, the problem of "no" in most areas of our country has been basically solved, and the problem of "good" has become increasingly prominent, objectively requiring the formation of a new balance of demand traction supply and supply to create demand。On the one hand,New demand puts higher demands on supply upgrading,Pull and stimulate new supply,Leveraging productivity jumps;On the other hand,New supply based on the formation of new quality productivity,To provide more high-quality, high-performance, high reliability, high safety, high environmental protection products and services,Better meet and create effective demand。Accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, in line with the requirements of high-quality development, will help achieve a virtuous cycle of the national economy, better leverage the advantages of the ultra-large market, and enhance the sustainability of economic growth and social development。

We will strive to build momentum for the development of new quality productive forces

Cultivating and expanding new quality productivity is a long-term task and a systematic project。We must adhere to the systematic concept, continue to take the real economy as the foundation, scientific and technological innovation as the core, industrial upgrading as the direction, and strive to promote the improvement and qualitative change of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimized combinations。

Correctly handle a series of important relations in the development of new quality productive forces。First, we should properly handle the relationship between productive forces and production relations。We will form a new type of production relations that meet the requirements of the development of new quality productive forces, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better leverage the role of the government, and accelerate the development of institutions and mechanisms conducive to the development of new quality productive forces。Second, we should properly handle the relationship between the elements of new quality and productivity。We will give full play to the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation, take a multi-pronged approach to cultivate new types of workers, create new production tools, expand new labor objects, and promote efficient coordination and matching of elements of new quality productivity。Third, we need to strike a balance between independent innovation and open innovation。We will continue to promote independent innovation in synergy with open innovation, vigorously promote independent innovation in an open environment, make good use of global innovation resources, and accelerate the development of an open innovation ecosystem with global competitiveness。Fourth, we should properly handle the relationship between new quality productivity and traditional productivity。We will promote the development of both in a coordinated manner, and promptly apply the achievements of scientific and technological innovation to specific industries and industrial chains. We will cultivate and strengthen emerging industries and layout and build future industries, while transforming and upgrading traditional industries, and build a modern industrial system with integrity, advanced nature and safety。

Foster a new type of workforce。We will promote the effective integration and development of education, science and technology, and human resources, create a new type of workforce that matches the development of new quality and productive forces, and stimulate the creativity and initiative of workers。We will give priority to education development, strive to cultivate top-notch innovative personnel, and train more strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders, and a reserve army of young scientific and technological personnel with international competitiveness。We will explore the formation of a training system for engineers with Chinese characteristics and at the world level, promote the integration of professional integration, the integration of industry and education, and the integration of science and education, explore and implement an effective mechanism for colleges and enterprises to jointly train high-quality composite engineering talents, and continuously train high-quality technical talents。We will implement a more active, open and effective talent policy,Explore the establishment of a global talent recruitment system in line with international standards,National science and technology programs will be more open to the outside world,We will encourage foreign-funded enterprises and foreign scientific and technical personnel in China to undertake and participate in science and technology projects,Build a platform for all kinds of talents around the world。

Creation and application of more skilled labor materials。We will thoroughly implement the innovation-driven development strategy, firmly grasp the "bull nose" of independent innovation, and promote the iterative upgrading of labor data。Give full play to the role of the State as a major organizer of scientific and technological innovation, take the national strategic needs as the guidance, integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, gather all forces to carry out original and leading scientific and technological research, and create more "hard technology" that leads the development of new quality productivity.。We will give full play to the role of enterprises as the main force in the research, development and application of new production tools, strengthen the integration of innovation factors and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build an innovation consortium led by leading enterprises, supported by universities and institutions, and coordinated by various innovation entities, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces。We will promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, deepen the digital transformation of industries, strengthen the integration and application of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, and the industrial Internet, vigorously promote the application of digital, networked, and intelligent production tools, and accelerate the construction of digital workshops and smart manufacturing demonstration factories。

Expand a wider range of labor objects。Focusing on cultivating and growing strategic emerging industries and future industries, expanding the types and forms of labor objects can continuously open up new fields and new tracks of production activities, and consolidate the material foundation for the development of new quality productivity。We will thoroughly implement the project to develop national clusters of strategic emerging industries,We will promote the development of integrated clusters of strategic emerging industries,We will strive to build new growth engines such as next-generation information technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, and green environmental protection,Strengthen the technological and industrial advantages of China's strategic emerging industries in the global value chain。Strengthen the overall planning of future industries from the national strategic level,In the field of brain-like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future network, deep sea, space and other cutting-edge technology and industrial transformation,To organize and implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans,Multi-path exploration and cross-integration of cutting-edge and disruptive technologies,Reserve productive forces。

Promote a higher level of productivity factors coordinated matching。To meet the requirements of the development of new quality productivity, promote the transformation and adjustment of industrial organization and industrial form, constantly improve the efficiency of the combination of production factors, and raise total factor productivity。It is necessary to expand and strengthen a number of leading backbone enterprises with high industrial correlation and strong international competitiveness and eco-leading enterprises with industrial chain control,Cultivate a group of specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises and "single champion" enterprises,We will encourage leading backbone enterprises to play a leading role in integrating industrial chains,We will achieve integrated development of large, medium and small enterprises。Relying on the free flow, collaborative sharing and efficient use of production factors, we will promote the transformation of production organization to platform, network and ecological, create an industrial ecosystem with extensive participation, resource sharing, precise matching and close collaboration, and accelerate the value collaboration and value co-creation of the entire industrial chain and supply chain。Actively play the role of "fusion agent" of data elements,We will promote cross-border integration of existing and digital business formats,Derivative superposition new links, new chains, new forms of activity,We will accelerate the development of smart manufacturing, digital trade, smart logistics, smart agriculture and other new forms of business,We will promote targeted and high-quality supply,Better meet and create new needs。

(来源:人民日报     作者为习近平经济思想研究中心)

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